Thursday, August 18, 2011

Big Chance for Tri-State Artists!

Doing my usual web surfing like a schizoid-gemini I came across an opportunity that I felt would be fun at the very least. The opportunity would be excellent if you won since its sponsored/run by SEASAC, Brooklyn Industries, Reverb Nation, and The Muse Box. With the possibility of five winners who could walk away with a showcase performance at CMJ, distribution via The Muse Box & EMI Distribution, 2 months publicity and marketing, and more. Click here for more information from NYC Rising and their sponsors.
I urge all our students to apply and pass on to their friends! Good Luck!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Finding new ways to distribute outside the box...

In this age of DIY and new business paradigms the indie artist must stay as fluid as possible to find a living in this new economy. As an indie artist that is taking the Do It Yourself route sometimes using older models in new ways can help one carve out a niche for themselves. posted an article that I found intriguing at the least by Clyde Smith.

Making Music with almost anything

I ran across this on Bob Owsinski's blog THE BIG PICTURE, one of his many that are all informative. He posted a youtube vid using a piezo pickup and mundane household items to create new instruments using Cycling 74's Max application.