A music business blog associated with the CAT MUSIC DEPT at Bloomfield College in Bloomfield NJ. We follow music industry news, new music, industry opportunities, and new technology. With contributions from faculty and students alike, this is an arena to share information and opportunities!
Thursday, January 29, 2015
BB4 Studios Launches: World-Class Mixing & Mastering Facility Brings Innovative New Audio Resource to New York City | Mixonline
This beautiful room will be open for business in this new year of 2015 and I will be one of the mix engineers available using the room. I am excited about this grand step of using a room that was designed with excellence in mind. The facilities are gorgeous and the acoustics amazing and there is a nice blend of analog gear that will make any engineer or producer giddy! Read more here : BB4 Studios Launches: World-Class Mixing & Mastering Facility Brings Innovative New Audio Resource to New York City | Mixonline