Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Staying Tech Savvy!

The semester is definitely over, but that doesn't mean that the learning stops! Ask your professors and people that you intern with if they are on a continual education for their craft, 90% will say yes! Our world of digital media is constantly evolving and adding new innovations. Its in OUR best interest to stay abreast of new developments and to have knowledge of many skills in order to stay relevant. To know just Pro-Tools is counter-productive for me a consummate freelancer. I have already had to work in sessions for Logic, Ableton, Reason, Digital Performer, and Cubase and though I am not a master of all of these programs I have a working proficiency of all of them which allows me to retain clients. Whether you have just completed your intro to Pro-Tools course or you are about to graduate its imperative to educate yourself and add new skills to your repertoire. Though you are working towards your degree here at Bloomfield College its up to you to prepare yourself further for the real world before you graduate. In saying all that, there are plenty of sites and resources online that can help you expand your knowledge and I wanted to share one that I find useful: Musictech Tutorials.


Trolling the internet as I do on a regular basis, I am always on the look out for a new way to exploit my own music without the use of a major label. I figure that you put the same amount of energy into promoting and selling your own music as trying to get signed. In this new era of the world wide web most labels want to see your track record anyway as an artist. So I came across this Beta-site for an idea that I found to be compelling at the least. Check out their pitch and explanation and post comments on what you think.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Piracy problems, despite growth in the Music industry

Here's a surprise: recording industry revenues actually grew in 13 major world markets in 2009. Australia, Mexico, South Korea, Sweden, the UK, and Brazil were all among the countries that saw revenue increases, and the global music business says this proves the need for tougher anti-piracy laws.more

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Senior Capstones Weds 6pm

Capstone Presentations and Live music performances by:Breezy Ballad, B.A., and The Aviators! Not to be missed, a must see event!

Avid Webinar

Join Avid® specialist Jeff Komar for part two of our webinar on film scoring and sound design, as he demonstrates how sound can play a vital role in setting the mood of a scene, and help drive the story. With recent horror hit My Bloody Valentine as the film canvas, learn the techniques for designing, editing, and mixing sounds with Pro ToolsHD 8, ICON D-Command®, and Video Satellite technology. (Miss part one on music scoring for film? Check out the archived webinar.)

Space is limited, so sign up today to view the webinar video, then join us for a live Q&A at either time below and see how Avid’s integrated audio solutions serve as the foundation of the modern post sound designer/mixer’s world. 

Live Q&A
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

9am PT / 12pm ET 
2pm PT / 5pm ET

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I know everyone is out for an internship with the summer coming up, so I have a list of studios that accept interns that I feel you guys should take advantage of this information. Click on the name of the studio for the link to the site and follow the information provided. Do not be discouraged if you do not land one for the summer, just remember to be persistent yet professional! Good luck!

Avatar Recording Studio
441 W 53rd - 212.765-7500

We do offer both Full Time Internships, and Summer Internships
for school credit. You must have formal training in
Audio/Recording from an established institution.

Contact by email only with recent resume attached.

Beatstreet Productions
928 Broadway - 212.777.8440

Occasional internships. We specialize in Audio Post and the type of
interns we look for are aspiring sound designers. Contact via e-mail

Bennett Studios
Englewood, NJ - 201.227.0200
Call and ask for Austin

Clinton Recording
Tenth Ave - 212.246.2444
Internships are unpaid for three months at which point if the intern
stays on
with us they would be put on the books at minimum wage.
Interested applicants should call/fax a resume to Kenny Schmidt.
Fax is 212-582-3080. Phone is 212-246-2444

Cutting Room
14 e4th St - 212.260.0905

Contact via e-mail

The Doghouse
New York City - 866.315.0321
The best way to contact us is through our email: The prospective
intern will be sent a questionnaire. Additionally, the details of
our internship program can be found at this page:

150 Forsyth St - 212.226.6365
Occasionally we offer UNPAID internships for a period of 3 months.
If you are interested in a 3 month internship (with the understanding that it is completely unpaid), please forward your availability (which trimester, which days, what hours)

Grand Street Recording
455 Grand St. Brooklyn - 718.718.360.9355
In fact, the last couple of guys who've interned have stuck around and
are now engineering their own sessions. Contact via phone or e-mail